Thou Art God I Am God All That Groks Is God Meaning

Source: Stranger in a Strange Land

Last update May 22, 2020.

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„Regardless of nationality, all men are brothers. God is "our Father who art in sky." The commandment "G shalt not kill" is unconditional and inexorable."

—  Ben Salmon American activist 1889 - 1932

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Context: Regardless of nationality, all men are brothers. God is "our Father who art in heaven." The commandment "M shalt not kill" is unconditional and inexorable. … The lowly Nazarene taught united states the doctrine of not-resistance, and so convinced was he of the soundness of that doctrine that he sealed his belief with death on the cantankerous. … When human being law conflicts with Divine law, my duty is clear. Conscience, my infallible guide, impels me to tell you that prison, death, or both, are infinitely preferable to joining whatsoever co-operative of the Army.

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„Glorified art Chiliad, O God my God! I indeed testify to Thee and all-things at the moment when I am in Thy presence in pure servitude, upon this, that verily G fine art God, no other God is in that location besides Thee! Thou fine art unchanged, O my God, within the elevation of Grandeur and Majesty, and shall be unalterable, O my desirous boon, inside the tiptop of ability and perfection inasmuch as nothing shall frustrate Thee and nothing shall extinguish Thee! Thou art unchanged every bit Thou art the Capable to a higher place Thy creation and Thou art unalterable as Thou indeed shall be every bit from before inasmuch as nothing is with Thee of anything and aught is in Thy rank of anything! Thou accomplisheth and willeth and doeth and desireth! Glorified art Thou, O God my God, with Thy praise, salutations be upon the Primal Signal, the Chemise of Thy Visage and the Low-cal of Thy direction and the Luminosity of Thy Beinghood and the Clarity of Thy Selfhood and the Sea of Thy Ability past all that which One thousand hath bestowed upon Him of Thy Stations and Thy Culminations and Thy Foundations, for nothing shall frustrate Thee of anything and nothing shall extinguish Thee of annihilation! No other God is There besides Thee, for verily Thou art the Lord of all the worlds! And blessings, O God my God, be upon the one who was the first to believe in Thee, the Visage of Thy Selfhood and the Decree of Thy direction; and upon the one who was the last to believe in Thee, the Essence of Thy direction and the Visage of Thy Holiness; and upon those whom Ye take made martyrs/witnesses (shuhadá') unknown except by Thy Command nor restrained except past Thy Wisdom; then upon those to whom Ye have promised that Ye shall make Him manifest on the Day of Resurrection and He whom Ye will upraise on the Mean solar day of the Return by all which Thou will bestow upon Him of Thy Power and Thy Strength, for nothing shall extinguish Thee and null shall frustrate Thee! Ye make up one's mind all-things, for verily Thou art powerful over whatsoever Thou willeth! And I indeed testify, O my God, betwixt Thy hands that verily there is no other god besides Thee and that He whom Ye shall brand manifest on the Day of Resurrection is the Chemise of Thy Creativity and the Visage of Thy Manifestation and the management of Thy Victory and the substance of Thy Pardoning and the branch of Thy Singularity and the clarity of Thy Unicitarianism and the Pen [of the Letter] Nún (al-qalam al-nún) inside Thy Beinghood and the setting of the Cause-Command inside Thy Essentiality inasmuch as in that location is no divergence between Him and Thee except that He is Thy servant in Thy grasp, such that whatsoever is in the Heavens and the earth and what is betwixt them volition then be filled by His Name and by His Lite until information technology be made apparent that no other god is there besides Thee and no Dearest is there like unto Thee and no Desired One is there other than Thee and no Dread is there of Thy like and no Justice of Thy equal! No other god is there besides Thee! Glorified art Thou, O God, and past Thy praise, blessings, O my God, exist upon the Guide to the Throne of the Hidden Cloud and the Path to Thy Presence in the Sina'i of Authorisation and the Caller past Thy Logos-Self and the Crier of Thy Permission between Thy Hands and the Ariser of Thy Omnipresence by Thy Control; then the Triumph, O my God, by all that which Yard will bestow upon Him of Thy Power, then that which will be made manifestly apparent of the Word upon the globe and what is upon it by Thy grandeur, and likewise in this that nothing shall always put out His Light! Verily nothing shall frustrate Thee of anything and zippo shall extinguish Thee of anything! Thy mercy encompasseth all-things and verily Thou art powerful over what Ye accept willed; and to the one who prays to Thee, Hearing, Answering, for verily Thou art Observant over us, and verily Yard art High, Praised beyond that which the inner hearts tin can comprehend!"

—  Subh-i-Azal Persian religious leader 1831 - 1912

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„Seek, therefore, thyself! Simply in finding oneself, does not i find one's own nothingness?… Carlyle answers (Past and Present, book iii, chap. xi.). "The latest Gospel in the globe is, Know thy work and practise information technology. Know thyself: long enough has that poor cocky of thine tormented thee; thou wilt never become to know it, I believe! Recall it thy business, this of knowing thyself; thou art an unknowable individual: know what thou canst work at; and piece of work at it, like Hercules. That volition be thine improve plan." …and what is my piece of work? — without thinking virtually myself, is to love God…. And on the other hand, in loving God in myself, am I not loving myself more than God, am I not loving myself in God?"

—  Miguel de Unamuno 19th-20th century Castilian writer and philosopher 1864 - 1936

The Tragic Sense of Life (1913), X : Religion, the Mythology of the Beyond and the Apocatastasis

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